Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blog Post #4

1) "Other nights when I have hair on my head and no money i can walk around Manhattan. I don't mind that one bit because the streets are always lively as any film at the Sixty-eighth Street Playhouse. There's always a fire engine screaming around a corner or an ambulance or a police car and sometimes they come screaming together and you know there's a fire. People always watch for the fire engine to slow down and that tells you what block to go to and where to look for smoke and flames. If someone is at a window ready to jump that makes it more exciting. The ambulance will wait with flashing lights and cops will tell everyone move back." pg 51
Although this quote is early on in the book it is significant beacuse it shows the reader how Frank looks at New York. It gives us insight into what his daily life consists of and how he ets enjoyment out of it.

2) I think Frank would fare well enough in our world today. He has proven that he is very adaptable to different situations. From living in Ireland to living in New York to being drafted into the war and serving in Germany. I think the new techonolgical developments would baffle him and make him confused, but eventually he would catch on. He has lived a life of enormous pressure that I don't think that I would be able to handle. He would do very well in my shoes because my only job is to go to school and he would probably love that.


  1. I like the description you chose. I agree that Frank would probably do pretty well in our world today, based on all the challenges hes been through.

  2. I would definitely have to agree that Frank would fare well in our modern world. Just through reading Angela's Ashes it's not hard to tell that many of the challenges he faced decades ago would help him cope now.
