Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog Post #3

             The book I am reading, 'Tis, directly relates to Frank's earlier book, Angela's Ashes. It takes place in NYC, where he was born and spent the first 3 to 4 years of his life. This book relates to movies about immigrants coming to America and being awed by New York City. Although Frank is orignally from New York he has a completely new perspective on it now. He is living in a different area and has to work to support himself as well as his mother and brothes back in Ireland. This book relates further to "Angela's Ashes" because by the end of that book he is working to support himself and supporting his family. His father has not been in the picture for a long time now. I think Frank is trying to show the relationship he has with his family and even though it is difficult for him to get by. Another theme that is apparent in "Angela's Ashes" and "'Tis" the idea of always being subordinate to someone. In Ireland Frank is not able to think and speak freely because people are always there to yell at him. In America he realizes that he has always had to answer to someone and when he moves out of his appartment, owner by Mrs. Austin, he is completely free. "'Tis" shares many of the same themes with "Angela's Ashes".

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